Friday, July 14, 2006

Trailer for Chris Nolan's 'The Prestige' is a Must-See!

I hadn't even heard of Chris Nolan's (who directed a small indie flick called 'Batman Begins' last year) 'The Prestige' until I saw the trailer down at the Apple Trailers site, but it's just shot up to the top of my Must-Watch list. One of the best trailers I've seen all year (right up there with Spider-Man 3's scintillating teaser), the movie promises to be one hell of an exciting ride.

Based on the acclaimed novel of the same name by Christopher Priest, the film is about the rivalry between two magicians in Victorian England. Said magicians are played by Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman (Wolverine and Batman together in the same movie- will you fancy that?). It also stars Michael Caine and my favourite young actress Scarlett Johanson. Everyone looks to be at the top of their games in this. Superbly compelling stuff, really. October 27th (the film's release date, in case you're wondering) can't come any sooner for me!

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